
Causes of Oil-immersed Transformers Oil Leakage and Running Temperature

10 Jan 2024
Reading Volume :
1. The reasons for oil leaks inimmersed transformers
Why do oil leaks occur in running immersed transformers? What are the reasons for the leaks? Is it due to poor welding quality, or poor sealing of the transformer? What are the main reasons for oil leaks in immersed transformers?
1. Quality of welding. The outer shell of anImmersed transformerIs made up of a combination of welded and connected steel plates. With long seams and many welding joints, welding operation requires higher standards. Due to external environment, temperature, skill, welding materials, plate, and other factors, the quality of welding can sometimes be unsatisfactory, leading to phenomena such as welding cracks and sand holes, which are the main causes of oil leaks in immersed transformers.

2. Quality of sealing. The choice of sealing type and material is the main cause of poor sealing quality in transformers. When the sealing quality of a transformer is inadequate, oil leaks may occur during use.

3. Aging of sealing. Due to factors such as weather, environment, and oil corrosion, the sealing of oil-immersed transformers ages, which is also one of the main causes of oil leaks in oil-immersed transformers. In addition, other reasons include inadequate daily maintenance during use, as well as failure to promptly address minor problems discovered, which may also lead to oil leaks in oil-immersed transformers.

2. Regulations on the operating temperature ofoil-immersed transformersIn terms of the use of oil-immersed transformers, what are the regulations on the operating temperature of transformers? What issues should be addressed in the daily operation and maintenance of transformers? To ensure the stable operation of transformers, the following rules apply to the operating temperature of oil-immersed transformers:

1. Check whether the humming electromagnetic sound of the transformer is normal during operation.

2. Regularly check whether the oil in the oil-immersed transformer is normally transparent and yellow, and whether the liquid level is within the normal range.

3. Regularly check whether the electric current of the oil-immersed transformer is within the normal range.

4. Regularly check whether the wires, connectors, and cables of the oil-immersed transformer are overheating.

5. Check whether there are discharge marks on the covers and high-pressure terminals, and whether the cooling device is working properly.

6. Check whether the surrounding transformers are clean, and whether there are flammable and explosive substances to eliminate safety hazards.

7. To ensure the safe operation of the

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