
Welcome new customers from Saudi Arabia to visit GNEE Group Company

05 Mar 2024
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On March 4, 2024, a new customer for transformers from Saudi Arabia came to our company to discuss business and communicate on product issues. We welcome all visiting customers to visit our company. We will show our customers our full range of services and resources and establish good cooperative relationships.

Oil-immersed transformer, also known as oil-immersed transformer, is a transformer device that uses oil cooling to reduce the temperature of the transformer. Unlike dry-type transformers, the body of an oil-immersed transformer is installed in a welded steel tank filled with insulating oil. When the oil-immersed transformer is operating, the heat of the coil and iron core is first converted into insulating oil and then into cooling medium. According to the capacity, it can be divided into immersed natural cooling transformers and immersed forced air cooling transformers.

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