
Welcome Russian customers to visit GNEE

16 May 2023
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As the company's brand influence continues to rise, in the face of new challenges in the development of the industry, we rely on their own quality products and services, good reputation and credibility, attracting many places in the country customers to visit us!

On the morning of May 15, Russian customers visited our company and inspected our production center and operation center, which was warmly received by Mr. Zhang and his senior leaders.

Through a close understanding of the product production process and technology, it deepened the customer's knowledge of the company's products, and at the same time, it also showed our professional productivity. The pragmatic attitude and craftsmanship, the consistent rigorous, meticulous and cautious working style of our products have been fully affirmed by our customers, and both sides have started in-depth communication and discussion on the later cooperation.

We always seek development by technology and survival by quality; our excellent technical team, skillful production process and experienced factory personnel have won us the praise of many customers, and we will continue to take high quality as our standard, and welcome more customers to visit us.

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