
20-roll mill: analysis of high magnetic induction and low loss oriented electrical steel manufacturing

12 Dec 2023
Reading Volume :
GNEE Steel CRGO Steel
The 20-roll mill is a rolling equipment used to manufacture high magnetic induction and low loss oriented electrical steel. It consists of 20 rollers, each with a specific task. During the rolling process, the raw material of electrical steel is rolled and processed multiple times to finally form the required orientation structure and properties. The design and operation of a 20-high rolling mill is critical to the quality of electrical steel.

First, let us understand the working principle of the 20-high rolling mill. As raw electrical steel passes through the rolling mill, the pressure between the rollers processes it into the desired shape and size. In a 20-high rolling mill, the arrangement and angle of the rolls are precisely controlled to ensure uniform stress distribution in the steel during rolling. This helps improve the orientation of the steel, giving it high magnetic induction and low loss properties.

Secondly, let’s understand the importance of the 20-roll mill in manufacturing high magnetic induction and low loss oriented electrical steel. The 20-roll mill can adjust the grain orientation and magnetic orientation of electrical steel through multiple rolling and processing, thereby improving its magnetic induction and reducing loss. Through appropriate rolling parameters and process control, electrical steel can obtain an ideal orientation structure, thereby improving its magnetic permeability and magnetic saturation induction intensity.
Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Steel
In addition to the working principle and manufacturing process, the 20-high rolling mill also needs to consider some confusing and unexpected issues. For example, problems with roll wear, rolling parameter adjustment, lubrication and cooling control may arise during operation. These require experienced operators and scientific management to ensure that the quality of the electrical steel produced meets the requirements.

In summary, the 20-roll mill plays a vital role in manufacturing high magnetic induction and low loss oriented electrical steel. Through precise roller arrangement and angle control, as well as appropriate process parameters and operation management, high-quality electrical steel products can be obtained. We believe that by in-depth understanding of the working principle and manufacturing process of the 20-high rolling mill, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of the technology and processes involved.
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