
Market situation of silicon steel in the first week of December 2023

15 Dec 2023
Reading Volume :
GNEE Steel Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel
The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released its global manufacturing purchasing managers' index for November. The index has remained below 50% for 14 consecutive months, and the global economy continues to weaken. In November, the global manufacturing purchasing managers' index was 48%, a slight increase of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month, and it has been running below 50% for 14 consecutive months.

The State Council issued an action plan for Continuous improvement of air quality, which said that it will resolutely curb the blind construction of high energy consumption, high emission and low level projects. The new reconstruction and expansion projects strictly implement the relevant requirements of the national industrial planning, industrial policy, ecological environment zoning control scheme, planning environmental assessment, project environmental assessment, energy conservation review, production capacity replacement, total control of key pollutants, regional reduction of pollutant emission, and carbon emission peak target, and in principle adopt clean transportation. For projects involving capacity replacement, new projects can be put into operation only after the replaced capacity and its supporting facilities are shut down. New steel production capacity is strictly prohibited. Promote the integrated layout of steel, coking and sintering, significantly reduce independent coking, sintering, pelletizing and hot rolling enterprises and processes, and eliminate backward coal washing capacity; Orderly guide the long process of blast-converter steelmaking to the short process of electric furnace steelmaking. By 2025, the proportion of short-process steel production will reach 15%. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and its surrounding areas continue to implement "steel coke", and the ratio of coking capacity to long-process steelmaking capacity is controlled at about 0.4. Cisa: In late November 2023, the key statistics of steel enterprises crude steel daily output of 201.61 million tons, an increase of 2.39% compared with the previous month, down 0.61% compared with the same caliber last year; Steel stocks were 12.9631 million tons, down 15.44% from the previous ten days and down 5.87% from the same ten days last month.
Grain oriented electrical steel
This week, the non-oriented silicon steel trading price rose slightly, the increase was not large, about 30-50 yuan/ton, and the transaction was in a step type slow rise. The amount of spot resources is reduced compared with the previous period, and the traders' prices are firm, but the willingness to ship is strong. East China market prices rose, market shipments more active than last week. South China market trading is tepid, steel futures prices rose, traders are relatively cautious, December futures are not much order. In central China, the market price rises and the market resources are small. From the market learned that the mainstream steel mills in December non-oriented low grade futures have been booked, market rumors are mixed. Individual traders also reported that the final December forward price has not yet been issued, but the order has been placed to the steel mill.

This week, the price of non-oriented high brand is low, the market is not much, and the amount of spot resources is still reduced. Because the current high grade resource order is the form of bargaining, the cost price is different. The mentality of the industry is not good, that the decline of high brand in the future market will increase. Therefore, traders actively shipped, and the actual transaction price fell by 50-100 yuan/ton.
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